Tuesday 8 November 2011

Haven't You Heard? 'Da Bird' Is Da Word!

Well it has been a little while since I have updated my blog so I have loads to tell you. I am now 14 months old and celebrated my first birthday in August.
My 1st Birthday
My mummy really wanted to make a big celebration out of it and I was spoilt rotten with presents and toys from lots of people who love me too. I loved the wrapping paper and playing with that.

Ooooo Bubble Wrap!
I had so many toys I didn't know what to play with first! I even had presents sent over from my American Kittypal!
Just some of my toys!
Playing in the garden.
I really had the best day ever and I had a birthday cake made out of salmon with a candle on. 
My birthday cake :o)
I wasn't too impressed with the hat though :o/

One present I got which I think really is more for me to get my own back on my mummy because she is forever pointing that camera thing at me and taking photo's so I can now get my own back as I got a pet's eye view camera. It's a small little camera that clips onto my collar and it takes pictures automatically every few minutes. 

As we had a lovely summer with lots of nice sunshine my mummy put it on for me when I was playing out in the garden.. I will show you some of my snap shots.
Teeheehee here's my mummy doing some gardening I was peek-a-booing her!
Just managed to get my mummy's head in. Can you see my whiskers!
Yay found one of my balls!!
Playing with my Kickaroo
Oo what's this?
I have also been trying to do my share of the gardening and helping out where ever I can. My mummy was redesigning the garden a bit so I thought I would lend a helping paw...
Just checking they smell ok...
Holding the ball of string for mummy :o)
Getting the water for the flowers :o)
Adding extra beauty to the flowers :o)
And then crashing out!

♫♪"A-well-a everybody's heard about 'Da' bird, Da-Da-Da-bird, bird, bird, Da-bird's the word"♪♫

Ok so I may have changed the lyrics slightly to the classic Surfin' Bird song by the Trashmen but haven't you heard about 'Da Bird'!!??

'Da Bird'
Well if you haven't your missing out on probably what could be deemed the worlds best cat toy! It's basically just a long rod with an attachment on the end. It's the most invigorating innovative cat toy and there are many different attachements they do for it. 'Da Feather' is the most popular and after lights out mummy puts it under lock and key. Only other owners of the 'Da Bird' will understand this...
'Da Bird' With Da Guinea Feather Attachment ... it's fun in the garden...
And in the house!
I have managed to naw through 4 of these now and mummy has now put a 5th replacement on! Ooooops... 

It really is the Rolls Royce of feather toys because the feathers look, sound and feel like a real bird and when my mummy swings it around for me it actually mimics a real birdie in flight. Think she is happier I catch 'Da Bird' rather than a real birdie....

My ultimate favourite though has to be 'Da Puff'
'Da Puff'!!
'Da Puff'!!
At bedtime soon as my mummy gets into bed I carry the 'Da Bird' from the lounge and take it to her in bed. Usually plonking it on top of her gives her the hint that I am ready to play! The she swings it around and I go wild :o)
Fetching 'Da Puff'
Overall I really love this toy as you can probably guess and for anyone that hasn't tried it yet.. it's a must! I am not suppose to know but I think I may have a few new attachments for Christmas YAY I can't wait to try them out if 'Da Feather' and 'Da Puff' are anything to go by!!

I have nearly been with my mummy now for a year and I can honestly say it has been the most puuuurrrrfect year ever. I couldn't wish or ask for more. I am such a happy little raggie, very spoiled, very adored but most of all ... extremely loved

I wish you all in advance a very Merry up coming Christmas and a very Happy New Year to come. And I am more than sure I will have many more tales for you coming up in the new year of my wonderful journey in this world. 

=^. .^=   =^. .^=