Tuesday 8 November 2011

Haven't You Heard? 'Da Bird' Is Da Word!

Well it has been a little while since I have updated my blog so I have loads to tell you. I am now 14 months old and celebrated my first birthday in August.
My 1st Birthday
My mummy really wanted to make a big celebration out of it and I was spoilt rotten with presents and toys from lots of people who love me too. I loved the wrapping paper and playing with that.

Ooooo Bubble Wrap!
I had so many toys I didn't know what to play with first! I even had presents sent over from my American Kittypal!
Just some of my toys!
Playing in the garden.
I really had the best day ever and I had a birthday cake made out of salmon with a candle on. 
My birthday cake :o)
I wasn't too impressed with the hat though :o/

One present I got which I think really is more for me to get my own back on my mummy because she is forever pointing that camera thing at me and taking photo's so I can now get my own back as I got a pet's eye view camera. It's a small little camera that clips onto my collar and it takes pictures automatically every few minutes. 

As we had a lovely summer with lots of nice sunshine my mummy put it on for me when I was playing out in the garden.. I will show you some of my snap shots.
Teeheehee here's my mummy doing some gardening I was peek-a-booing her!
Just managed to get my mummy's head in. Can you see my whiskers!
Yay found one of my balls!!
Playing with my Kickaroo
Oo what's this?
I have also been trying to do my share of the gardening and helping out where ever I can. My mummy was redesigning the garden a bit so I thought I would lend a helping paw...
Just checking they smell ok...
Holding the ball of string for mummy :o)
Getting the water for the flowers :o)
Adding extra beauty to the flowers :o)
And then crashing out!

♫♪"A-well-a everybody's heard about 'Da' bird, Da-Da-Da-bird, bird, bird, Da-bird's the word"♪♫

Ok so I may have changed the lyrics slightly to the classic Surfin' Bird song by the Trashmen but haven't you heard about 'Da Bird'!!??

'Da Bird'
Well if you haven't your missing out on probably what could be deemed the worlds best cat toy! It's basically just a long rod with an attachment on the end. It's the most invigorating innovative cat toy and there are many different attachements they do for it. 'Da Feather' is the most popular and after lights out mummy puts it under lock and key. Only other owners of the 'Da Bird' will understand this...
'Da Bird' With Da Guinea Feather Attachment ... it's fun in the garden...
And in the house!
I have managed to naw through 4 of these now and mummy has now put a 5th replacement on! Ooooops... 

It really is the Rolls Royce of feather toys because the feathers look, sound and feel like a real bird and when my mummy swings it around for me it actually mimics a real birdie in flight. Think she is happier I catch 'Da Bird' rather than a real birdie....

My ultimate favourite though has to be 'Da Puff'
'Da Puff'!!
'Da Puff'!!
At bedtime soon as my mummy gets into bed I carry the 'Da Bird' from the lounge and take it to her in bed. Usually plonking it on top of her gives her the hint that I am ready to play! The she swings it around and I go wild :o)
Fetching 'Da Puff'
Overall I really love this toy as you can probably guess and for anyone that hasn't tried it yet.. it's a must! I am not suppose to know but I think I may have a few new attachments for Christmas YAY I can't wait to try them out if 'Da Feather' and 'Da Puff' are anything to go by!!

I have nearly been with my mummy now for a year and I can honestly say it has been the most puuuurrrrfect year ever. I couldn't wish or ask for more. I am such a happy little raggie, very spoiled, very adored but most of all ... extremely loved

I wish you all in advance a very Merry up coming Christmas and a very Happy New Year to come. And I am more than sure I will have many more tales for you coming up in the new year of my wonderful journey in this world. 

=^. .^=   =^. .^=   

Friday 24 June 2011

Raggie Fact Files!

Fact files on owning a Raggie like me and experiences by fellow Raggie owners... Also applicable to me

=^. .^=

While some of these facts apply to all purrfect puddies some of these really are only just what we raggies do.

Toes poking out of the bed at 4am are a viable target for biting. Oh yeah baby!

  • We Raggies do need grooming, all the time, despite what all the books say.
  •  If you're trying to do something where you need to concentrate, we will try to help.
  •  Raggies are not quiet and demand attention at all times.
Raggies make excellent hot water bottles, even in the middle of summer.

  • Raggies can climb up loft ladders.
  •  Raggies cannot climb down loft ladders. 
  • We should really come with an addiction warning!
 If it is on the floor it has to be a toy.
  •   Anytime is playtime to a Raggie, regardless of what time it is!
  • Window sills are for falling off.
  • You will never wear black clothes again - cream/white is the new black!
Slippers are for putting things in, namely bits of paper, toys etc.
  • Water bowls are designed to be tipped over!
  • Klingons! Ragdolls often leave the litter tray with.. I wont say anymore!
  • You will never be able to cook/eat a piece of fish/chicken in peace ever again.
Once our humans have acquired a comfy seat on the sofa to watch a movie, ALWAYS ensure you have enough drink and snacks to get you through or you WILL lose your warm comfy seat to us Raggies.
  • If it moves it's fair game!
  •  If it doesn't move............why not?
  •  You spend a fortune on fluff remover rollers (and refills).
We Raggies do a flop which occurs wherever and whenever, but most usually in your way!
  •   If I stick claws through curtains how fast can mummy run the distance to un-attach?
  •  Any open door or drawer WILL result in us Raggies meowing to be be freed 5 minutes later.
  • No matter which make of cat litter you buy, it still smells!
    We like to be involved in everything you do - including bathing!
  • No matter how quietly you think you've opened a tin of food or the tin of biscuits.. you still need to stand clear of the stampede. 
  •  Fur lined everything is not optional! It just happens anyway!
  • Window restrictors may be child proof but they are not Raggie proof!

    Don't expect to get a clear view of the PC monitor while us raggies are awake.
  • The mouse cursor must be chased! Well it is a mouse after all!
  •   Laptops do give off heat so be prepared for 'Raggie a la Dell'!
Raggies love to chew electrical wires and cables.
  •  We Raggies think we are invisible - this applies mainly when trying to steal food from your dinner plate ! Nope sure they can't see me...
  • Vases of flowers have to be destroyed, Raggies don't give in until they are!
We will lie at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you to fall over us.
  •   Walking into the kitchen means of course that you've gone in there to feed us!
  • The one thing you should remember is what's yours is mine and what's mines my own and don't forget it!
You need to buy waterproof flooring ... We Raggies love sticking our paws in water bowls and splashing!
  •  Nice, clean and freshly polished glass dining tables are just crying out for tiny pawprints!
  •  Expect to waste loads and loads of time marvelling in us babies and giving us brushes and cuddles and playtimes - hours every day in fact, the more the better! You won't have any time left to do anything else!
You can't write anything - pens are toys, silly!
  • You will never leave your back door/front door/windows open for fresh air in the summer - raggies are like houdini trying to get out!
  • You no longer have a show home, if you ever had one before. Toy mice, toy fish, bottle lids, bits of paper, fluff, cat litter and cat food, which obviously tastes far better after being lifted from food bowl onto the floor, can be found scattered everywhere.
Wrapping presents are now only a vague memory for you.......buy plenty of pretty boxes for gifts and buy labels that clearly state.........any Ragdoll found in this gift is to be returned to it's owner post-haste!
  • You lovely furry rug is just a plaything, to be pulled up so that all the tufts fall out, and then just rolled all over.
  • Expect to give up your seat and be quiet when us baby's (sorry Raggies) are sleeping!!!
You should feel guilty everytime you leave the house as there are one pair of blue eyes looking at you pitifully!
  •  People owned by Raggies are at serious risk of heart failure, if anyone leaves an outside door open. More risk occurs when said owner runs around the house in search of Raggies which have gone to sleep in the only place you didn't consider looking in! More risk of looking like you need some pyschological therapy when tearing around the garden calling our Raggies' names and panicking in sheer terror, only to find your Raggie half an hour later curled up, totally oblivious to it all, in the open draw under the bed!!
  • Mummy's head is for sitting on!
Your bed is no longer your own, and how dare you even try to suggest to a Raggie that you want them to move over so you can get in it!
  • When your on the phone we wont stop meowing at you.. How dare you talk to someone other than me!
  • Expect to be much poorer for all the toys we get through and ones you "have" to buy us just because you do
If you're lying on the sofa or in bed, watching tv, you can't see - as we don't care if we lie in your view of the screen.
  • You will always have some-one to share your indulgent cream cake with.
  •   All litter tracks.................Raggies have rabbit-style paws.
  • Deal with the fact that owning a Ragdoll is like having a child that never grows up (even if it is at at 4.30 in the morning).
We will charge at you when you try to eat anything wrapped in silver foil - particularly KitKats and Roses/Quality street! And in my case Cadburys Creme Eggs!!!
  •   Its no good running out of the usual brand of food and thinking you can give them us a tin of something else from the local shop.... it plays havock with our tummies, resulting in worse smells from litter trays, not to mention unpleasant sound effects!
  •   If it's on the bedside table it won't be for long.
If you are on the loo, Raggie wants to come on too.  Even your guests can expect to be escorted to the loo when they visit!
  • Your glass of water was made for sharing, especially when you're asleep, but you don't realise until you drink some and find loads of hairs floating in it!
  • You can never ever read a book on your own again, without a little Raggie climbing up under the book looking for attention. Peekabooo!
Most Of All - We know our big blue eyes really can get us whatever we want!

 And last of all....your friends think you've gone totally mad as all you do is talk about us Raggies and how wonderful we are. Its not an option either, you just can't stop yourself!
=^. .^=   =^. .^= 

Friday 22 April 2011

The Birds And The Bee's...

Well it has been such a lovely week with the weather lots of sunnyshine and warm days and it has been so lovely to be able to get out into the garden and act upon my instincts. I have never really experienced this nice warm and clear skies weather before but I do like it :o)

I love watching the birds and the bee's flying around and have managed to catch a few bumblebee's and a wasp! My human didn't seem as impressed as I was with my catching skills and 'saved' a couple of bumblebee's but I found it very fun!! But I should be thankful I guess for not getting stung *ahem*

There are some birdies nesting in the tree .... a Mr and Mrs Blackbird whom we think have had 3 babies. Well my human found the eggshells that had obviously had babies in which have now hatched.

I like watching the birds but they are too quick for me but then perhaps it's not my speed at all because my human attaches a rather annoying bell to me when she lets me out and as soon as I make a dash for one they fly off!!

Anyway that's about it from me for now. 
Happy Easter everyone xXx

Thursday 14 April 2011

A 'Cat'astrophic Couple Of Weeks!

Well the last couple of weeks have been 'cat'astophic! (No pun intended!) I didn't realise or know that my human had 'booked' me in to have my lady bits removed and Microchipped. Though I did think it was odd that she took away all my food early evening.... Oh and she didn't give me any breakfast the cheek of it...

Anyway up until now I'd never had a fear of the pink tardis (the thing she plonks me in for when we travel in the car) but believe me I have a phobia of it now :o/

The 'Pink Tardis'

It all started 13 days ago now and though she has taken me to the place they call the "VETS" before it had never been an unpleasant experience.. they had jabbed me before but it was in my scruff so I didn't feel a thing :o) but oh how that was about to change I would now have a phobia..... 

I thought I was going for a general checkup or maybe just for the usual pass around the unbeknown to me humans for a cuddle as they always do that when we go... but I didn't expect she would leave me there! I thought I was never going to see my human again. I have to be fair and say these humans looked after me very well but I was just a scaredy kitten admittedly. One minute I was there seeing everything around me the next asleep? And no this was not voluntary dozing or a cat nap... but then waking up in a rather confused state wondering where my fur had gone.... did they think I was a sheep and needed shearing?

My human says my chunk of fur missing makes me look like the people on the 'learn direct' advert where they have a jigsaw piece missing in their side!

Anyway I had two cuts on me one small one on my side and one big one on my tummy and a lampshade around my head! Apparently there were complications and they had to open me up again otherwise I would have only had the one small incision... why do I have to be the awkward non straight forward one! They didn't hurt much but they gave me some medicine and later that day my human picked me up. I was so pleased to see her but had lost my meow so I couldn't communicate but I think she knew I was so pleased to see her. Anyway we went back to familiar territory where I was basically a zombie kitten for a few days. My human was extra loving with me although she does love and cuddle me alot anyway and kept checking I was ok although she did put tablets and medicine down my mouth hmm.... but I thought I would very good and not make it hard for her and just took them willingly.

Cuddles with my human

Just as I started to feel abit more full of beans again my human took me back to the vets and I thought oh no not again! Thankfully they just wanted to see if I was ok after my op. I think they were happy enough but they did tell my human that I had two seroma's one small one and one large one (I did wonder why I felt a bit squidgy) but they said they should go down within a week. Phew didn't have to stay and could go back home and they took the lampshade off so that was purrrfect and I was a happy kitten again and could now tear about the house and be up to my usual mischievousness and old tricks again. So as the days went by I felt better and better and more full of beans each day. 

My human even let me have a play in the garden at the weekend so she must be happy with my good progress.

Watching the birdies in the garden :o)

However we had another trip to the vets again today I wasn't too happy about it and thought if I created enough noise and havoc in the car she would give in and take me home. Her exact words to me in the car were "it doesn't matter how much meowing you do it wont change the fact we are going to the vets" umphh!! I am pleased to say it was a harmless visit and I was stolen from my human for a while and was being passed around for the usual cuddles I get there ... I won't complain at that. They told my human the small seroma has gone but the big one is still the size of a hard boiled egg so we have to give it another couple more weeks and hopefully it will be gone by then.

I am also pleased to say my fur is just starting to grow back albeit it very slow but I am back on form to my usual self again.... a tinker Inkie 'Nink Nonks'

Any fellow kitties out there I don't recommend having your lady bits removed or man bits if your a boy kittie as it is not a pleasant experience but my human keeps reassuring me it's for my own good! I have just about forgiven her!