Friday 22 April 2011

The Birds And The Bee's...

Well it has been such a lovely week with the weather lots of sunnyshine and warm days and it has been so lovely to be able to get out into the garden and act upon my instincts. I have never really experienced this nice warm and clear skies weather before but I do like it :o)

I love watching the birds and the bee's flying around and have managed to catch a few bumblebee's and a wasp! My human didn't seem as impressed as I was with my catching skills and 'saved' a couple of bumblebee's but I found it very fun!! But I should be thankful I guess for not getting stung *ahem*

There are some birdies nesting in the tree .... a Mr and Mrs Blackbird whom we think have had 3 babies. Well my human found the eggshells that had obviously had babies in which have now hatched.

I like watching the birds but they are too quick for me but then perhaps it's not my speed at all because my human attaches a rather annoying bell to me when she lets me out and as soon as I make a dash for one they fly off!!

Anyway that's about it from me for now. 
Happy Easter everyone xXx


  1. Glad that Inkie is enjoying the sunshine but would suggest that catching wasps is not a good idea as they have a way of taking revenge!!! Ouch !! xxxx

  2. She is a lil monkey isn't she hehehe. I don't recommend catching wasps they wont think twice about stinging like bumblebee's bless her. Such a beautiful day yet again has been a really beautiful spring so far xxxx

  3. I think Inkie's Human is very clever to attach a bell :D xx
